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Gamemode Samp Rpg Romanesc Download

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Ma numasc ValentinB, recent am avut tentativa de a imi deschide un server de sa:mp, insa din motive personale am renuntat la proiect. Gamemode-ul folosit, este un edit facut de mine la gamemode-ul burned. Windows 7 Download Server Samp street facut sobeit 0.3 c download. 0. Brain dead full movie torrent download. 3 c vs sobeit 0.3x free work samp 0.3 d sob. Download game mode Samp Rpg Romania.Multi Theft Auto MTA is an open source software project that provides full online gaming support for Rockstar North Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC games there. Re: Gamemode SA:MP Liberty Roleplay Hi This might be a little too late to ask questions about this thread, since I'm a newbie to coding and phpmyadmin and mysql and so on I have this question. Salutare Sa-mp Romania as vrea sa va prezint un gamemode de roleplay.Acest gamemode nu este facut de mine doar ca am facut rost de la cineva si m-am decis sa-l public pe Sa-mp Romania. Acest gamemode este un IBP edit. CEL MAI UNIC GAMEMODE RPG LA DOWNLOAD!!! - Duration: 20:33. Canalul cu de toate. Creare server SA-MP,schimbare gamemode,conectare cu hamachi - Duration: 20:08. SmoothKriM 8,329 views.


What is this project about?

This project is a collaboration between romanian scripters that help each other in order to create a beautiful gamemode, that have all actual modern algorithms in SA-MP. This gamemode is a rpg one, because is the most played in our country.

How much does it costs?

This project is free and will remain free. We don’t request money for using our work, everything was a volunteer-work since the begining. But if you want to help us, you could donate to us using the link in the right.

What does rGaming v3 means?

Well, the project’s name isn’t well choosed, but it comes from r(Romania) Gaming v3 (because „v2” was registered by a gaming community). We will keep it short as „rG3”.


  • SA-MP 0.3.7
  • Streamer
  • MySQL R34 (you can choose multiple connections)
  • English
  • There are no hidden commands.
  • UNIQUE GAMEMODE – written from scratch


  • Pizza Boy
  • Street Sweeper
  • Trucker
  • Farmer (YouTube)
  • Bus Driver (YouTube)
  • Garbage
  • Arms Dealer
  • Drugs Dealer

I tried to make every job unique. Teleport for mac. For some jobs I did that, but for other jobs I left for future improvements. Unimproved jobs are very simple: you must follow some checkpoints and you will receive an amount of money.
From all jobs, you will earn the same amount: $10.000 / hour.


  • Police Department
  • Grove St. 125
  • Grape Street Watts
  • Varrio Nuevo Estrada
  • SA Goverment
  • News Reporter
  • Emergency Department

I hope that you already notice that we don’t have a Hitman faction. We think that is a non-rp factions, beacuse in reality, you must search for a hitman in order to complete your contract.

Special sistems:

  • Car Dealership (YouTube)

* The price and stock of the cars can be edited in-game.
* The tuning is saving
* You can use the car only if it’s spawned. You can spawn the cars by /spawncar (or /sc), and you despawn your car using /park.

  • DMV (YouTube)
  • Speedometer (YouTube)

* Every car has an unique consumption.

  • Dynamic House System: You can create houses by using /createhouse – and everything works fine!
  • Dynamic Vehicle System: All cars are saved in MySQL, every normal car have a few parameters that give access only to special persons. For example, you can modify a taxi cab to be available to everyone by using /vedit. Also, by using /vpark, you can modify the spawn-position of a car directly from game. I should mention that faction vehicles can be modified and saved, without a reboot of the server.
  • Level-up system is a bit different. For leveling up, you must earn XP. And you will recieve XP for every minute you play. Also, after you have enough experience, the server automtically level you up.
  • The gangs can fight for turfs. If you stay on the turf, your team earns 1 point. Also if you kill an enemy, you earn 10 points, and the enemy recieves 1 point. In the end, the gang with the most points, win the turf, and the bet from /war.

Admin CMDS: here
Leader CMDS: here

A few pictures:

  • Jail * – 1:1 copied from LS-RP
  • Meeting Room 1 * – you must use /teleport > Others > Meeting Room

Gamemode Samp Roleplay Romania Download

A short introduction movie:

rG3 Project by Matraguna Mihai-Alexandru is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Based on a work at see download link.

Download Link: GitHub
*Test account: Maurice (passwork: qwaszx)
*If you can’t import the database, please use the clean version „clean-database.sql”
*You must use the file geoip_city.db in scriptfiles folder, because GitHub doesn’t allow to upload files bigger than 100 MB. Download Link: here

From all jobs, you will earn the same amount: How much does it costs? This gamemode is a rpg one, because is the most played in our country. A password will be e-mailed to you. Absolutism SpritePack, Europa Universalis.

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This gamemode is a rpg one, because is the most played in our country.


This project is free and will remain free. What does rGaming v3 means? Matraguna Mihai posts 14 comments. I tried to make every job unique.

Sign in Recover your password. Factions Police Department Grove St.

Welcome to MyFonts, the 1 place to download great font-face webfonts and desktop fonts: For some jobs I did that, but for other jobs I left for future improvements. And you will recieve XP for every minute you play. Welcome, Login to your account. We think that is a non-rp factions, beacuse in reality, you must search for a hitman in order to complete your contract.

For leveling up, you must earn XP. Download Lost Photos for Windows now from Softonic: You will need to connect via FTP using either a client. A developer might call the file a world while someone designing a map to be. Based on a work at see download link. We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.

If you stay on the turf, your team earns 1 point. Unimproved jobs are very simple: Use Excel to connect to. MeeGo OS offers very interesting experience for any user.

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Gamemode Samp Rpg Romanesc Download Free


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I should mention that faction vehicles can be modified and saved, without a reboot of the server. This tutorial will teach you how to easily place an existing world on your minecraft server hosting account.

I am Chris lol, facebook me if you want https. The gangs can fight for turfs. Modern Warfare Hacks and Cheats Forum.

How to a world on minecraft server The words World and Map are used interchangeably by many Minecraft users. Absolutism SpritePack, Europa Universalis.

Locate lost photos from your various web accounts. Likes Followers Followers Subscribers Followers. A password will be e-mailed to you. Also if you kill an enemy, you earn 10 points, gamemkde the enemy recieves 1 point.


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